Introducing Our Services

Constantly coming up with new ideas is a key to being innovative and standing out in the event industry. Part of planning events can be looking at things from a different ....


 Conference interpreters help you to convey the content accuratly at seminars, conferences, and events of any size. A conference interpreter is someone who can....


The need to stay connected in a reliable and secure manner has never been greater. We can link our clients to an online platform that will allow their company to conduct ...


Goftoman Pouyan Talk Culture-Art Institute handout outlines strategies for providing presenting papers for different conferences. Some people can discuss their ideas easily but ...

Blog & Media

Modes of conference interpretation

Interpretation is an oral translation from a source language into a target language. Doing this under time pressure is a genuine skill.

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How do conference interpreting services work?

Interpreting of any kind can be a challenging profession; even for professionals with years of experience.

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What are the benefits of events and conferences?

Events and conferences can bring people together to share their ideas and discuss issues. We can also provide a unique experience for everyone as a memorable event

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Why do we need interpreters in an event?

Having come to terms with the different types of interpreting, you will probably have some ideas of which type of interpreter will meet your needs and be appropriate for the nature of the task.

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