Introducing Our Services

Constantly coming up with new ideas is a key to being innovative and standing out in the event industry. Part of planning events can be looking at things from a different ....


 Conference interpreters help you to convey the content accuratly at seminars, conferences, and events of any size. A conference interpreter is someone who can....


The need to stay connected in a reliable and secure manner has never been greater. We can link our clients to an online platform that will allow their company to conduct ...


Goftoman Pouyan Talk Culture-Art Institute handout outlines strategies for providing presenting papers for different conferences. Some people can discuss their ideas easily but ...

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What are the benefits of events and conferences?

Events and conferences can bring people together to share their ideas and discuss issues. We can also provide a unique experience for everyone as a memorable event

Events are a fantastic way to engage with others. Participating in events and conferences give you a chance to meet other individuals from different with different cultures and it is the opportunities to talk about issues. Developing a strong professional network has become one of the key prerequisites for professional success. In fact, research indicates that successful managers spend 70% more time networking than their less successful counterparts and that people with rich social networks are better informed more creative, more efficient, and better problem-solvers than those with limited social networks. Industry conferences provide a tremendous opportunity to network. Attendees from other companies and from other areas of the country can become valuable resources for referrals, new ways of thinking, solutions, and best practices.

As an event planner, we will organize conferences, seminars, and events both in-person or online and manage the whole process from the planning map, right through to running the event and carrying out the post-event evaluation. The role is primarily hands-on and often involves working as part of a team. We have many conference interpreters who can convey meaning to the audience in different languages. In this way, we can make a bridge between communities, share ideas, and discuss the issues regardless of the differences between languages. Therefore, everyone can understand the concept of an event and can easily share his/her ideas as we have the right interpreter for him/her. We can also bring happiness through holding and establishing cultural ceremonies for different communities. We can link between different languages and different cultures. Moreover, we can conduct hybrid and online events with high quality. As online technology is advancing, we try to be innovative in this field. Today’s online event technology is making the event experience a lot more like attending a live event, without the added expense or health risk involved. We try to make this online event more and more interactive. An online event can break the borders and interpreters have an important role in this area through making a connection between people with speaking and conveying the meaning.

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  • Publish Date : 1400/03/02